About Us

福爾摩莎長青學苑從2002年初創立以來,已步入第 18個年頭,期間承蒙眾多鄉親朋友無私無悔的關愛、奉獻及支持讓我們有今天小小的成就, 並且獲得加國聯邦稅務局核准的慈善機關號碼,但是我們知道這是責任的加重,今後只有加倍努力提供鄉親父老更好的服務與照護,也希望大家繼續愛護這個得來不易的榮譽,給它鞭策與栽培,讓它能更加茁壯。 我感謝這一群任勞任怨,長年辛苦,只問付出,不求回報的工作團隊,他們包容、體諒,發揮愛心、所長,且勤奮激勵,使得行政工作件上軌道,校務也蒸蒸日上。

回首多年來,推著一個小文件箱,奔走於多市,四處為尋覓場地,聘請優秀師資,及尋求無私奉獻義工,雖常睡不安枕,時時憂慮驚醒,但是並未能稍減心中為鄉親父老服務的熱忱。看到學員們得以走出家庭,在為家庭事業兒女奔波後,完成年輕時所中斷的興趣與夢想,快樂享受和鄉親共同學習的樂趣。尤其當我們看到七、八十歲學員,為了上一天課,一大早從老遠趕轉三路地鐵公車,那樣的求知與執著的精神,放學後的快樂滿足笑顏,實在令人佩服與不捨,服務再怎麼辛苦,也總覺得非常安慰。從無到有亦猶如武訓興學般,雖不及“沿門托缽受苦辛”,亦是點滴在心頭,幸好在熱心鄉親好友鼎力幫忙下,也克服重重困難,令長青得以不斷成長。如今雖然還沒有一個固定的 ”家”,但是我們有三個上課活動地點,常年都有數百位年逾五十五歲以上學員在此切磋、琢磨,其中有高達九十二歲者,我們期望如學苑LOGO 所揭櫫的“FESCC Lights up your life”,讓這些曾經在生命戰場上奮戰過的前輩生命再次燦爛、快樂,也讓年輕晚輩沒有後顧之憂,全心全力去開創他們的未來。

這其間,有許多鄉親好友參與義工服務,無怨無悔、盡心盡力、熱心奉獻,也讓大家感念,沒有他們過去的服務努力,不可能有今天的長青。現在我們擁有熱心的董事及行政義工達15名,教師近25名。猶如我們的標語“The FESCC- A very warm seniors’ family”所宣示的,提供鄉親耆老一個優質的“活到老學到老”的溫韾學習社交環境,幫助長輩們舒解鄉愁,永遠健康快樂滿足。


一個慈善事業的推展來自背後許多偉大善心人士的支持,當我因為辦理慈善機構註冊手續,獨自迷路於積雪盈尺的冰天雪地的公園小路中,或昏睡於車陣中我並不畏懼,因為我知道我並不孤單,即使在最艱難的時刻,大家總能給我力量,幫助我解決困難。今天是長青另一個新的開始,懇請您本於長久以來的支持鼓勵,繼續給予關注、愛護和財力的支援,讓長青未來能在董事主席王英(Jen Wang)領導下一齊向『老吾老及人之老』的理想邁進。

The Formosa Evergreen Senior Citizens Centre, founded in 2002, is a non-profit organization focused on alleviating the loneliness and isolation experienced by many seniors and improving their fitness and overall well-being. Based in the GTA, we provide recreational, educational, and cultural activities, as well as other programs for senior citizens. Over the years, we've grown into a large community consisting of people from different places and backgrounds, all working towards mutual betterment and community enrichment.

Hundreds of seniors aged 55 and above gather here to discuss and study, including members as old as 92 and beyond! As our slogan "The FESCC - A Very Warm Seniors' Family" suggests, we provide a high-quality "live to old and learn to be old" Wen Yun learning and social environment to help elders alleviate homesickness and achieve health and happiness.

We organize more than 20 types of activities and courses, including sports gymnastics, leisure activities, calligraphy, painting, paper rattan, handicrafts, computers, English, singing, dancing, reading clubs, Tai Chi, badminton, billiards, Mahjong, line dancing, Yuanji dancing, and culinary courses. Our tuition fee per semester (approximately six months) is low: $10 for membership and $20 for tuition, allowing participants to choose from a variety of courses and activities. Each semester includes birthday parties, health lectures, end-of-term dinners, summer study trips, and other colorful activities. All our teachers are highly skilled, enthusiastic, friendly, and beloved by our members and elders.

The promotion of philanthropy is supported by many generous individuals. When I registered for this charity, I found myself lost on a snowy, icy park path. Yet, I wasn't afraid because I knew I wasn't alone. Even in the most challenging moments, everyone here provides strength and helps resolve difficult issues. Today marks a new beginning for us at Evergreen. I sincerely ask you to continue providing attention, love, and financial support, building on your long-standing encouragement, so that FESCC can continue fulfilling our mission under the leadership of Chairman Jen Wang. Together, let's advance the ideals of aging gracefully and with dignity.